Monday, March 9, 2009

Adding Variety To Your Vegetarian Lifestyle - Tips

Variety is not only good for vegetarians because the same old food can become boring but it is also necessary. Making sure that your vegetarian diet is varied is the best way to ensure that your get enough of the right nutrients.

You should never stick to one or two recipes and never be tempted to confine yourself to a few commercial products because they seem easy to prepare. If you do that you simply will not get a balanced diet and you will become bored. That is why so many vegetarians give up after a short time.

When you visit the supermarket spend time in the fresh produce section. If your usual store does not carry fresh produce go to another one or find a local supplier. Fresh fruit and vegetables are the main stay of a healthy and varied vegetarian diet.

Get to know what is in season and how to prepare it. A vegetarian should learn what fresh fruit and vegetables look like, feel like and smell like. Vegetarians who can shop in farmers' markets have an advantage. But many supermarkets are improving the range of fruit and vegetables they stock.

If you choose a variety of colors of fruit and vegetables you will automatically have a range of nutrients. Vegetarian meals should not be colorless.

The look of food is often underestimated by vegetarians. But we eat with our eyes. The sight of a plate of beautiful food sets out mouth salivating as much as the smell of new baked bread.

Speaking of new baked bread, vegetarians should learn to bake bread. A sourdough rye loaf fresh from the oven or a crusty whole meal with poppy seeds can make a simple vegetarian meal into a gourmet feast. A simple vegetarian sold or a bowl of lentil can become a complete meal with good bread.

If eating butter is a problem because you are watching your cholesterol levels then dip your bread in olive oil. When you try this with quality home made bread you will see how delicious it is. Vegetarians have respect for vegetables so find the best olive you can. It will be worth it. The varied taste of olive oil from different countries or even different estates will in itself add variety to you vegetarian diet.

Beans, lentils and grains are the staples of vegetarian diet. But they can become boring. Never be afraid to try new types or pulse and grain. if you have never eaten quinoa then you should. It is quick to cook and makes a change from rice. Try using barley instead of rice. Even the vegetarian staples need not be dull.